The occasional sore throat not uncommon. However, when you suffer from chronic ear infections and have difficulties breathing through the nose or significant sleep apnea from an enlarged adenoid, you may need to have your adenoids surgically removed. You can prepare for an adenoidectomy by learning what this procedure is and what to expect during the recovery period.
An adenoidectomy is the surgical removal of the adenoids, which are lymphoid tissues (similar to tonsils) located behind the nasal passage. When the adenoids become chronically infected or enlarged, they make it difficult for people to breathe and swallow normally. The chronic infection of the adenoids is a condition that is called adenoiditis. Most of the time adenoids in children get enlarged due to allergies or acid reflux.
An adenoidectomy can be performed in conjunction with a tonsillectomy or as a separate procedure by itself. It is typically performed on children. However, patients of any age can undergo an adenoidectomy if they develop chronic adenoiditis and suffer symptoms like difficulty breathing or recurring ear problems.
Adenoiditis, or the recurring infection of the adenoids, is accompanied by symptoms that interrupt one's daily life and make everyday tasks like breathing through the nose difficult. Some of the most common symptoms of this condition include:
When you suffer from more than one or two of these symptoms, your doctor may recommend that you undergo an adenoidectomy if the adenoid enlargement is the cause. The procedure is performed on an outpatient basis at a hospital or surgical center. Barring complications, you should be able to go home and recuperate a few hours after your surgery is completed.
The recovery period after an adenoidectomy lasts about a week. During the week, you will be encouraged to not perform significant physical activity.
An adenoidectomy can resolve chronic sore throats, upper respiratory infections, and other symptoms like sleep apnea and mouth breathing.