Professional voice users including singers, actors, entertainers and media professionals have very unique vocal demands. Lawyers, members of the clergy, politicians, professors and teachers also fit into this group. Due to a heavy vocal load, strenuous travel schedules, and often times long work hours, these individuals may be more prone to throat and larynx disorders. Dr. Sunil Verma and the other experienced membrs of the University Voice and Swallowing Center are deeply concerned with the livelihood of these individuals. In Los Angeles, Orange County, and southern California area, the livelihood numerous individuals depends on the optimal function of their voices. The region is also rich with professional companies, groups, and individuals who visit the area "on tour" and are often times without their personal physician.
Establishing rapport with a laryngologist is vital for these individuals. A baseline examination is recorded and archived so that if a problem arises appropriate actions can be taken. By examining a person when he or she is healthy our team can help identify methods to optimize vocal production. Finally, if an abnormality is present, it can be investigated and treated before it causes a problem. Another benefit of establishing a relationship early with members of our team can also relay this information to medical providers when professionals are on tour and out of the region.
When professional voice users find themselves with a voice concern, immediate evaluation is often necessary for the most favorable outcomes. A member of our voice and swallowing center is always available for these events. With our background, team members can advise individuals with the therapeutic or medical management necessary. Most importantly the laryngologist and speech pathologist will be able to advise patients when it is safe to use his or her voice and when total voice rest is necessary to preserve the delicate vocal fold structure.
To make an appointment with one of our laryngologists, Dr. Verma or Dr. Crumley, please call 714-456-7017.