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Facial Peels & Laser Surgery

Men and women suffering from premature wrinkling, or wishing to reverse the effects of sun damaged skin may be good candidates for facial peels or a laser procedure.  Skin is composed of several layers – primary of which are the epidermis and dermis.  These layers are composed of biological material such as collagen and long fibers that loosen and stretch over time.  Laser surgery is used to resurface facial skin to lessen wrinkles caused by excess sun exposure, “crow’s feet” and acne scarring.   A laser is a high energy, amplified light wave which can be used to correct the top layer of skin instantly with no bleeding and minimal trauma to the surrounding skin.  Wrinkles are also smoothed away or minimized.  After the procedure, skin can appear reddish and may feel irritated.  Allow several weeks to experience the final results of the process, so discuss timing with your surgeon.  People with scars can also benefit from these procedures.  Dr. Wong is an internationally recognized authority in laser treatments.  Ask him to describe and risks and benefits of these procedures – or how a laser peel may enhance your surgical experience by combining this procedure with a lift or injectable fillers.