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Ear, Nose, and Throat Specialists

Ear, nose, and throat specialists practice in a branch of medicine called otolaryngology. This field focuses on areas that are essential to body functions. You might take breathing, swallowing, and hearing for granted, but that means that any conditions or injuries that affect these behaviors can be detrimental to your daily activities. If you ever require medical attention for these issues, there are trained physicians who are ready to assist you at The University of California Irvine Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery.

Ear, nose, and throat doctors treat many different conditions, including:

  • Ear pain
  • Hearing loss
  • Sinus conditions
  • Nasal headaches
  • Voice disorders
  • Sleeping problems
  • Throat irritations
  • Infections
  • Allergies
  • Breathing problems

There are many other conditions that are treated at our offices. We see patients for anything related to the ears, nose, and throat, including benign and malignant cancers.


The best treatment for you depends on the condition that you are experiencing and your medical history. Our consultation with you will involve questions about your symptoms, and often some diagnostic testing in order to rule out other issues or to get a better look at the problem. The treatment options for issues related to the ears, nose, and throat can include things like oral steroids, antibiotics, nasal steroids, decongestants, and surgery. Additionally, we perform a full range of aesthetic and reconstructive facial surgery. We work with you to determine the best treatment plan, and we are careful to make sure that you understand your options throughout every step. When our ear, nose, and throat specialists suggest a treatment method for you, they are sure to explain it in a way that will help you understand what to expect of the treatment itself and your symptoms afterward.

Qualifications and Training

Otolaryngologists are required to finish five years of extra training and to complete a certification examination from the American Board of Otolaryngology, in addition to graduating from a four year medical school program after college. Many otolaryngologists have also completed a two year program in at least one of the subspecialties of otolaryngology, such as:

  • Allergy
  • Otology/Audiology/Neurotology
  • Head and neck surgery
  • Rhinology
  • Laryngology

The professionals at The University of California Irvine Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery are well-versed in all subspecialties of the field and can see patients of all ages for any condition or symptoms relating to the ears, nose, throat, head, and neck. This branch of medicine is so specific and specialized, especially because the ears, nose, and throat are all connected. If left untreated, any problem in one of these areas can contribute to symptoms in another area.

The physicians and researchers in our group are a step ahead of others in the field. Our offices are used as a point of teaching for medical students and physicians who are in training. Additionally, our ear, nose, and throat specialists are regularly invited around the world to present research or to give lectures on the field of otolaryngology. When it comes to ear, nose, throat, head, and neck care in the southern California area, you will not be able to find better staff.

Do I need to see ear, nose, and throat specialists?

There are many problems that you could experience with the background knowledge that it is common, such as sinus problems and allergies. You may not assume that you need to see a specialist for these conditions. However, if your symptoms are consistent, you should still schedule an appointment to see a professional. Don’t let these problems continue to the point that it makes breathing, swallowing, and tasting food difficult.

There are other conditions that are evaluated by our physicians much earlier, such as cleft palates, deviated septum, and tinnitus. These types of conditions are noticed immediately by the patient. You should also contact our offices for any type of pain, discomfort, or visible changes to your facial appearance so that you can be evaluated. This can range from a scratchy sore throat to a debilitating headache to total hearing loss and ear pain. You should even contact our office if you have large amounts of earwax built up, because removing it on your own can result in damage. In some cases, your primary care doctor will suggest that you see a specialist.

Since ear, nose, and throat problems can afflict a person of any age, we see patients both young and old in our offices. Contact our office today for a consultation with one of our experienced ear, nose and throat specialists.